[Switch to English]
  1. 用網路線連接電腦與座位上的網路孔。

  2. 對網路圖示點擊右鍵,再點擊「開啟網路與網際網路設定

  3. 在「變更您的網路設定」下,點擊「變更介面卡選項

  4. 點擊「乙太網路」兩下,點擊底下的「內容」,再點選「網際網路通訊協定第 4 版」兩下

  5. 點選「使用下列的 IP 位置」與「使用下列的 DNS 伺服器位置」 輸入你自己的 IP、子網路遮罩、預設閘道與 DNS 伺服器,並點擊「確定」即可!

  1. Use a network cable to connect your computer to the network port at your seat.
    If your computer doesn’t have a network port, please purchase an adapter.

  2. Right-click the network icon, then click "Open Network & Internet settings".

  3. Under "Change your network settings", click "Change adapter options".

  4. Double-click on "Ethernet", then click "Properties" at the bottom, and double-click "Internet Protocol Version 4".
    Note: Ethernet may also appear as "Wired Network" or "Local Area Network".

  5. Select "Use the following IP address" and "Use the following DNS server addresses", enter your own IP, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS server, then click "OK"!

[Switch to English]
  1. 用網路線連接電腦與座位上的網路孔。

  2. 點擊左上角的蘋果圖示,點擊「系統設定」,點擊「網路」,再點擊「乙太網路
    註:若使用 USB、Thunderbolt 或 Type C 網路轉接線,請選擇相對應的選項

  3. 點擊「詳細資訊」

  4. 點擊「TCP/IP」,將「設定 IPv4」選為「手動」
    輸入剛剛查到的 IP、子網路遮罩、路由器

  5. 點擊「DNS」,輸入 DNS 伺服器,再點擊「

  1. Use a network cable to connect your computer to the network port at your seat.
    If your computer doesn’t have a network port, please purchase an adapter.

  2. Click the Apple icon in the top left corner, click "System Settings", click "Network", then click "Ethernet".
    Note: If using a USB, Thunderbolt, or Type C network adapter, please select the corresponding option.

  3. Click "Details"

  4. Click "TCP/IP", set "Configure IPv4" to "Manually".
    Enter the IP, Subnet Mask, and Router you found earlier.

  5. Click "DNS", enter the DNS server, and then click "OK".

[Switch to English]
  1. 用網路線將座位上的網路孔接到分享器/路由器上的 WAN 孔。

  2. 依各廠牌分享器/路由器的說明書設定外部網路固定 IP
    電腦連接 Wi-Fi 後則不用設定外部網路 IP。

註:各廠牌分享器/路由器設定方式皆不同,請自行在 Google 搜尋該型號的說明書。
範例:ASUS 路由器設定方式

  1. Use a network cable to connect the network port at your seat to the WAN port on the router.

  2. Set up the external network with a static IP according to the instructions for your specific brand of router.
    After connecting to Wi-Fi, you don’t need to set up the external network IP.

Note: Each brand of router has a different setup process, please search for the manual for your specific model on Google.
Example: ASUS Router Setup Guide